About Green Coupons and Deals

There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. ~ Marshall McLuhan

Eco-friendly, sustainable, certified organic, environmentally conscious, carbon neutral, cruelty free, fair trade… the list goes on. These days there are so many shades of “green” and so many terms being used (and misused) to describe “green” living that it’s confusing. At Green Coupons and Deals, we use the term “green” to describe merchants, products and services that have less of a negative impact on the environment, promote environmental and social awareness and are less harmful to human health than conventional equivalents.

The businesses we list are various shades of green. We will leave it up to you to make your own decision as to which ones you feel comfortable purchasing from. We know that green products and services can be more expensive, so our goal at Green Coupons and Deals is to find the best discounts, bargains, offers, coupons and deals to help you spend less on the products and services you can feel good about purchasing. Every little bit counts.

We consider Green Coupons and Deals to be a community, where together we can help make living an green lifestyle more affordable. The more we support these environmentally friendly merchants and manufacturers, the more affordable the products will be for everyone. If you know of any great eco friendly coupons, deals, merchants or products that are not listed on this website, please shoot us an email so that we can add them.